Replacing plastic bags with biodegradable compostable bags will reduce ocean plastic pollution

Publish Time: 2021-03-16     Origin: Site

Plastic bags are now amongst the top 12 items of debris most often found along coastlines ranging from Spitzbergen in the north to the Falklands in the south.Animals and sea creatures are hurt and killed every day by discarded plastic bags - a dead turtle with a plastic bag hanging from its mouth isn't a pleasant sight but mistaking plastic bags for food is commonplace amongst marine animals. Plastic clogs their intestines and leads to slow starvation. Others become entangled in plastic bags and drown.Because plastic bags take hundreds of years to break down, every year our seas become 'home' to more and more bags that find their way there through our sewers and waterways. 

Plastic bags cause such great harm to the environment, and protecting the environment has become a top priority for contemporary people. More and more manufacturers make biodegradable packaging bags to replace plastic bags, and BIOPACK is one of the biodegradable bags suppliers in China.

Biodegradable plastic bags are marketed as more eco-friendly solutions, able to break down into harmless material more quickly than traditional plastics. 

Within three months, the compostable bag in the marine environment completely disintegrated. By nine months, the open-air bags had all broken down into fragments. 

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